"What, deep in your heart,
do you want to have contributed to the world?"
"What values, principles, or deep sense of purpose
do you want your life to have exemplified?
What you want your life to embody?
What truly gives your life meaning?“
What are your answers? What comes up immediately from your heart? What is your first thought? Wonder why you're here ... Maybe your answer is to inspire people or to uplift others, to touch people's heart, to support others and to do helpful things or to serve, to love, and to give. The practicing of Yoga in your daily life - and that means not only to practice the Asanas, that means to follow and to live the philosophy and the eight limbs of Yoga, to reflect yourself and to make own decisions in your life - helps you to find out why you're here and to live a fulfilled, happy and healthy life. It's all about to know your own soul purpose, your own Dharma. And then, on this basis, make your own choices ...
"Your choices, much more than your circumstance,
determine who and what you are.“
Your soul purpose is like a source from where we rise and from where we think and deal. Are our thoughts and actions in harmony with our inner source, with our soul purpose, we are happy, in balance, we feel free and compensated. Sometimes we loose ourselves and get astray. We notice this through unhappiness, dissatifaction, being rushed and sometimes becoming sick. At this point we should pause, ask ourselves all the questions and listen ... Your soul purpose is like a source from where we rise and from where we think and deal. Are our thoughts and actions in harmony with our inner source, with our soul purpose, we are happy, in balance, we feel free and compensated. Sometimes we loose ourselves and get astray. We notice this through unhappiness, dissatifaction, being rushed and sometimes becoming sick. At this point we should pause, ask ourselves all the questions and listen ... and finding ourselves and our very own source, so we can go our unique way.
~ Questions by Rod Stryker "The four desires:
Creating a life of purpose, happiness, prosperity and freedom"
~ Pictures by Tobias Schmidt